Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Just a short note...

I just wanted to write a short note. I stayed up until Eric got home. 12:30am. So, I slept in until 7:30am. I was a packing monster yesterday! I even moved the packed boxes to one room, cleaned our bathroom, and set all the garbage bags by the door.

I didn't wake up with back pain but because of the packing and moving boxes my shoulders are sore. THAT'S IT! I knew it would take me a couple of days to get over the pain in my lower back. Now I am on point! More packing tonight. Eric didn't get a chance to bring a load of boxes to the house yesterday so he said for sure today. Our goal is to get all the "little" stuff moved over by Friday and then all that will be left is the large electronics and furniture. Keep you posted until our direct modem is turned off for the move!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Early Blog #3 No pain YEAH! well wait...

I woke up this morning not from back pain but, because of the tossing again. We packed until 11pm again last night because the kids have school today. Note to self: get through this week and then the kids have a week off to help moving! Really I cannot expect a 5, 9 and 10 year old to move much. But you know.

Weird thought of the moment. I am looking to my left and I see a ken doll laying on the arm of our couch. You say.."That's not weird".. But wait...He's wearing a baby doll huge (compared to him) diaper..A plastic flower teacup on his head and a tiny dress wrapped around and tied to his neck like a bib.. Oh kids..lol Gotta love em'.. I remember asking my 9 year old son. (Yes, he is the one that asked for the ken doll so his little sister would quit asking him to play barbies and end up using one of his tech decks as the "Prince"..lol.) I said to him last night as I was in their bedroom picking and packing.

Mom: "Why doesn't Ken have clothes on?
Joey: "I don't know where his pants are"
Mom: "Well, he doesn't have a T-shirt on either kiddo"
Joey: "I know where that is."
Mom:"Can you put something on him so I don't have to look at him like this"..
Joey: "Okay, I'll get his shirt"

Sunni comes out with the Ken in a diaper.

Sunni: (Laughing very hard) "Mommy look"
Mom: (giggling a little) "Is Ken a baby?"
Sunni: "Well, the diaper is a little big but I like it"

Sunni proceeds to put her play teacup on his head.

Sunni: "It's a hat".

Now I am looking at the ken doll. Laying here staring at me as if to say. "Please don't do this to me. I have a bad enough wrap as it is"..lol. I feel bad for the little guy..lol. Not really. It still makes me giggle to look at him. All I can think is...How would I explain this if someone came over and I didn't notice him on the edge of the couch..lol. I have no idea.. And I really do not recall Sunni putting that small doll dress or in this case Ken's bib on. I wonder if Daddy did that..lol. Nah..I don't even think he would touch Ken..lol

The main theme.. Get Ken dressed..Well, they covered him alright.

Okay, so onto other things. Yesterday I was still fighting the nasty stomach flu. So Eric went alone to the walk-thru. Every thing seems in order. When Eric got back he told me that Albert and his wife bought us a basket full of goodies and a small Easter basket full of candy for the kids. How sweet! The big basket was filled with candles, incense, an incense holder, bright colored dish cloths, 4 hand soaps for each bathroom, soap, a sponge and Clorox wipes all for the kitchen. It was very sweet of them. Eric said that all was in order. I feel finally at ease.

Later on in the day after going to my Dads for some empty boxes we decided to take the kids to the house. The boys had only seen pictures because whenever we went it was during the week while they were in school. We have driven by the outside to show them but like myself I didn't want to get their hopes up just in case we didn't get the home.

As soon as we drove into the driveway I knew now that this was my home. At least for the next 2 years. Eric punched in the garage code and TA-DA. It opened and the kids ran for the door. I opened the door with the new key and made sure before I went in to point out that now the kids would be placing their shoes in the garage so the floor in the house doesn't get dirty. As soon as we walked in I took my shoes off. The kids did the same. We just placed them on the tile. I showed the kids around the house like I was a realtor. "And here we have Grandmas room, she has a walk in closet and her very own bathroom with a shower"...lol. I was and still am happy. Has anyone ever done this...After showing the kids upstairs and down I went into the family room and laid on the floor looking up at the ceiling.. Then Eric came and laid down next to me.. We just laid there and didn't say a word..Then Eric turned over on his side put his arm around me and said.."This is our home babe"..I couldn't help but be so proud that we have gotten over this hump. And so thankful.. To Heavenly Father, to Eric's mom Sherry, to my Father and Brother. Just the day or two before I was crying my eyes out because I couldn't understand why all my life I have had to work for what I wanted. Why I had to go through all the emotions to get to the end of something good..Why other people seem to have it so easy. Then I thought while laying there. Why am I so weird? Thinking these thoughts when I lay here. Just be happy your here. Be happy you don't have worse things to deal with. Be happy you have him. And by "him". I mean Heavenly Father and my wonderful Husband. I am so thankful. There is nothing more I can say. I turned to Eric and said "I love you." To which he replied the same.

So, where do we go from here? Well, I didn't care if I had to sleep on the floor with just a blanket I wanted to stay. But, I knew I couldn't. Not with my back. And the electric would be turned off then back on this Tuesday. We will not have a truck until this weekend so we will just have to wait. We really are not done packing either so... After the kids played a few games of hide and seek we had to leave. As soon as I walked in the door to this apartment I was bummed. But still happy we got the house. I just want to be there now! Yea, I feel weird about that but, maybe it will be more of a push for me to pack more each day this week.

Things I do not look forward to:
1. Packing the rest of our stuff
2. Moving the stuff
3. Unpacking the stuff
4. Having to drive Sunni allllllll the way back and fourth to School for the next 2 Months!
5. Getting the stains off the counters
And those are in order. After that it should be smooth sailing. But I feel strongly that Sunni should stay in her current school. She made some really good friends and I know she would be upset if we moved her out now. I did that with Michael and Joey and it worked but, I know they missed their Teachers too. I am trying to learn from my mistakes.
So, final thought..My heart goes out to all of the almost 300 people who were laid off from The Venetian and Palazzo. I worked at the Wynn and we knew Palazzo wasn't doing well and that was a while back. That was also the reason why Eric was happy to get the job with CCSD and out of the Casino industry. Even though they are doing MAJOR cut backs, his job is still a bit more stable. I hope this economy starts to pick up a bit before it gets really bad.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Another early wake up call...

Not really a "wake up call". But, I did wake up at 4am this morning. I guess you could say my back was the alarm. I toss and turn all night. Then I wake up in frustration from tossing so much. I basically get sick of all the movement disturbing my sleep. How Eric can sleep through my tosses is beyond me. I almost do a little jump as I toss that makes the whole bed move..Haha. He doesn't budge. It was around 11pm when I laid on the heating pad and as soon as my muscles relaxed I just fell asleep. It happens like that most nights.

I left Eric to finish some last bit of packing for the night. I am trying not to help because I know in the end it will benefit my back to heal a little faster. Hopefully before we start to move stuff. Poor Eric. As I see him sleep right now I notice he is still in his clothes from last night. Belt and all. That CANNOT be comfy. On a daily basis, I am in my comfy clothes as soon as I hit the bedroom and know I am not going anywhere else for the day or night. Two of the kids are the same as me. Sunni likes to get in her jammies as soon as we get home for the night even if she knows she has to take a bath later. Michael too as soon as he hits the door on Fridays he is already got his shoes off and ready to get in his jammies. Joey is a different story. Some nights he will stay fully dressed (shoes still on) until Eric or I beg him to take off his shoes and stay a while..lol. We usually have to tell him 3 or 4 times to get his pajamas on. He's always so busy. Then it slips his mind while playing.. I just could not imagine sleeping like that. I have hard enough time as it is to sleep without my clothes distraction.

The house stuff is almost done. I set up the gas yesterday. Eric's Mom will call for the Electric today and then the water on Monday. Cable should be set up for a date on Monday too. After all I do need the computer to keep up with everyone! Phone should be set up too. Oops I forgot that one. I don't really see a house phone as a needed thing right away I guess. It just stops you from your daily things that you need to get done. Especially when you have to get focused on moving and unpacking.(the same goes for the TV and computer too.)

I think that will be my main chore out of this. Unpacking. Poor Sherry just moved in with her daughter in October and now 6 months later she has to pack again. We just moved to an upstairs apartment only 8 months ago so I can feel her pain. Moving everything downstairs shouldn't be as bad as going back down stairs. Not too many things are going upstairs in our new home except for the kids stuff, our bedroom stuff and that's about it. Everything else will sit in the garage until Sherry gets here and works her magic. I can help with our mattress. I've done it before. The headboard too. The only things I need to steer clear from are our bedroom cabinets. There's two. They are big and heavy even if you clear the clothes out of them. That will take the help of my Dad. Eric can get one with a dolly BUT going downstairs will be scary by himself so he will really need Dads or Rustys help. I forgot to ask Rusty about helping yesterday. Why is it that I hate asking for help so very much? My Dad offered that's the only reason why I accepted his help.

The walk-thru is today. Eric will be the only one going. I am too sick to go anywhere. Along with Michael I battled the stomach flu yesterday. I ate dinner last night but, woke up again this morning with the stomach pains. I won't mention the rest but I am sure you have had the stomach flu and know what goes on. I think that is the other reason why I didn't do much packing yesterday. Plus we did Earth Hour. We turned out our lights from 8:30pm-9:30pm. Even the Las Vegas Strip went sorta dark. As dark as they could go. So no packing or cleaning while that went on. I decided to take a bath to ease my back. I cannot wait until I have my roman tub. This apartment tub isn't tiny but, just no room to relax. Your either laying under the water or sitting up. No laying back. I missed my tub from our home on Crossetto Dr.

I think I am just naturally more happier in a home apposed to an apartment. In an apartment it's almost like you have to share your daily life with about 3 other families that surround you. People you do not know and people who do not have the same values as you. When you want to open your shades and open your windows in your house you do not have to worry about the people above, below, or to the side of you looking in as they walk by, or if someone in the building (in apartments) is smoking outside you don't have to worry about it coming in your windows in a house. That's my pet peeve as I look back at my history of apartment living. We have a family below us right now. Pretty nice people. Whenever I open our patio to let fresh air in on a nice day within only a few minutes I smell smoke.. Or some illegal substance start to wonder into our home. I have to shut the patio instantly. I CANNOT stand it. Such a pet peeve of mine.

I understand smoking. It's like a drug. Both my parents were smokers. I have hated it since I could walk and talk. I used to bring home flyer's from school on how bad it was. Show then pictures of a smokers lungs. To make things worse both myself and my brother got Asthma from second hand smoke. My mother even smoked while pregnant. It wasn't an issue in the 70's. When my brother and I became teenagers then my parents became more aware. They started smoking outside instead of in front of us. But whenever it got too hot or too cold to go outside soon the smoking came inside. I hated going to school smelling like an ashtray. If anyone in your family smoked it was inevitable to have the smell get on your laundry. I made my first husband stop smoking because I would play the "I have asthma" card a lot. It's just nasty to me. I don't understand it and that's why I don't do it. Not because my religion says it's "not right" but because I know it harms you and I am smarter then that. I feel the same way about drinking. Always have always will. And if your asking if my parents still smoke. Well, my mother died still addicted, even when she had to carry her oxygen everywhere. She would stop to go outside and smoke. My father? He's been trying to quit since I was 5. He tries. My ex? Well as soon as I left he started back up. His wife now smokes as well BUT they go outside to do it. I never smell it on the boys' clothes so that makes me happy. I can no longer ask their father to do something like quit. It's his life. I am just happy to have a husband now that has the same values as me. Not saying that I would ever think of myself as "above" someone. I just have different values. My parents never condoned smoking. In fact they used to threaten both Rusty and I if we even tried stuff like that. We lived with a "Don't do as I do" theme in our house..Haha. My father drank beers all the time. My mother didn't drink. She never liked the idea of drinking. So it was a don't do as I do. It worked. Both my brother and I are not drinkers or smokers. We have never touched drugs. If you took what the parents did at the time of raising us out of the picture. My brother and I grew up in a home that gave strong morals. I never once thought to myself.. "Well, my parents did it and liked it, I could try it." No. For me it wasn't even an option. Same with cursing. My parents both had a really bad mouth. Really while driving..haha. But if you went back to when my brother and I still lived at home. If anything foul came out of our mouths. Well, hell hath no..you get the idea. When I moved out I had a foul mouth. Really while driving. Eric was pretty surprised about the things that would flow out of my mouth. I have learned A LOT since then. Nine years later I am cleaned up. If you lived with my family when I lived with them you would see how conservative they made us. I was the only girl so. No makeup, no jeans, until I was old enough to drive and had my own car. Even then when my dad would see me before school if I was putting some lip-gloss on he would stop at the bathroom and say "Wipe that crap off your face. You look stupid"..lol. It wasn't like any experience on "Wife Swap" that I have ever seen.. The funny thing? My mother wore loads and loads of makeup..lol. Like I said. Do as I say not as I do. It worked for my brother and I.

I am a different parent. I have adapted the term. Do as I ask. And let me tell you what might happen if you stray..lol. It's working so far. We'll see when they get to be tweens and teens. Oh gosh.. rambling. I better do something productive. This is a place to write your feelings, experiences and so on. So I will leave this as a little look into Traci's childhood. A marker of the past I guess. So if I forget, my kids can read this and see what I went thru. Good Day! Hope I get some stuff done!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Dreamland..Wish I was there..

As you can see. I am up at 5 am. (Actually woke at 2:45am) Too early for anyone but, I digress.. Everyone is sound asleep. The boys behind me in their bunk bed. Sunni in front of me. She has been sleeping on the couch made into a bed since disassembling her bed for the move. She is so tiny it's like a full size bed for her. She doesn't mind. Actually loves that it's hers to put her "Granpa pillow", special blanket and any stuff toys she chooses to sleep with that night. Tonight? It was her red valentine bear and her dolly. I can't help but get up in the middle of the night to keep covering her with the blanket. She is so warm blooded she always kicks them off. Eric got home around 12:00am and is fast asleep. I feel guilty that this cannot be a Saturday for him to "Catch up" on sleep but, we have things to pack, Hannahs Birthday party and a trip to my Brothers all rolled into one. Packing is going to be the hard thing for me. I tried to go through both side table drawers. My side? Filled with sewing patterns, fabric, Vitamins and magazines. Erics, lol I don't think he really used his side. I did see a packet from the Clark county School district for work but everything else was pretty much random toys Sunni decided to place in Daddys drawers..lol. Her rings and a few necklaces of hers. Mixed in were a few old receipts and some cough drops that fell out of the bag when Eric had a sore throat. All pretty random. I dare anyone to go through their "junk drawer" it's pretty revealing..lol. So after cleaning out my drawers I started on one of Erics then the back pain started again. What's new? Well, having nerves burned in my back I guess failed again. And with moving day in T-Minus 4 days I cannot think to move stuff in this condition. I shouldn't be moving stuff but I am such a proud person I cannot think of letting people move my things while I sit there and tell them where it goes. I always feel like I should be "doing something". It's the life lesson I need to learn. Let people help. Such a hard lesson for me to learn.

So, I am fully awake. Have been for 3 hours. Laying on the heating pad. Checking twitter. Reading blogs, watching church videos on youtube. This I fear will be one of many blogs to come in the next few days until the "move". Eric does the walk through on Sunday, so no Church. I feel such a connection when I go but, then life jumps in and takes it away from me. I cannot wait for the day to have all of our stuff unpacked and going to Church in our new area. These last two weeks of going have strengthen my testimony. I know now that I am not the only one that goes through the things I have gone through my short time on Earth. And I know Heavenly Father has a plan for all of us. The first house feel thru for a reason. It wasn't meant to be. And after riding a roller coaster of emotions yesterday. We will move into this house with the help of my Brother. I am so thankful that I have at least one sibling to lean on. I believe we have grown closer throughout the years. When I was younger my brother and I had a love/hate relationship. I wanted his love and friendship and he wanted to drag me around by my hair and call me names.. Yeah, typical brother love. My Mom always wanted us to be close. I think she is looking down proud that Rusty is such an astounding husband and father. And my brother did deserve all three of his kids to be girls..lol. I look at it as his life lesson. To learn how girls are and be nicer to your sister..lol. Just kidding I know that's not his life lesson but, it works for me. He did have a son but, he had served his purpose before his birth. And as much of an "alpha male" my brother is I know he yearned for that son. And would have taught him all that he knows about football and boy stuff.. Not leaving out the "picking on your younger sister" part. So, now that we are older I think my brother and I have realized that we are all we have. With our father so hurt and fighting his own battles we cling to each other for memories of the past. When our Mother was still on Earth. We look to each other for support in whatever we do and we look to each other for answers to being a parent. If my Mother was here she would be taking that last roll. But, I think Rusty and I know she had her plan and fulfilled it. She knew way before we did that she was preparing us for the worst. And although at the time all we wanted was to hear he speak to us one last time. She is in a better place. She taught us how to do things for ourselves at a young age. I know now that she did that to prepare us for life as new adults without her. I don't go a day without thinking about her even after 9 years. And I know Rusty feels the same. I am so open to having Sherry move in with us. I keep writing it but, I guess that is because I am so happy. She'll teach me new things. Last night Eric called me from work and prior to that he had called his mother to ask her how her "Spring Boutique" went. He wanted to tell me what she said. Sherry had told Eric that she cannot wait to be here. She sold so many of her necklaces (along with 4 of my bows) and she cannot wait to teach me how to make them. She said that she had our day planned all out. We would make the necklaces and then bring them and try to sell them at boutiques around town. She's so cute. At the end she told Eric to mention that she noticed in the house pictures I sent that I have lost some weight. And she told Eric explicit instructions so that it would be told to me..Ahhh..Dreamland...I wish I was there with you..

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pictures of the house!


Yay! Yay! At noon today we got an e-mail from the owner saying we got the house! Eric was reading it and said "This is weird, come over here" So I stood over his shoulder and just read the "from" and said Oh, it's the owner" Then I started to read it and FLIPPED OUT! My heart started sinking because the only word that popped out at me FIRST was "Unfortunately". I was so deflated! Then I read on. Well, here let me paste the letter! Mister renter is a funny man indeed!

His subject line was : TENANT SCREENING...FINALIZED (Scared me too..lol)

The letter:

Eric and Traci,

Its been a long process for everyone and I know that you are both anxious to know my decision....this is very hard for me to do but, unfortunately, I have to do it...so, if you provide me the first months rent for April, dog fee and cleaning fee prior to the end of the month, you've got the place...still interested? And, if you're still wondering...I've decided to rent out the property to you, so pack your moving boxes and Congratulations!

The next thing is review the lease with you and sign. Then, a house walk-through and the goal is to get it done prior to end of March. I will be at work tomorrow and if you would like to come by to pick up the lease that would be great, otherwise, we could meet somewhere just let me know either way is fine with me. Again...Congratulations to the both of you and thank you for your patience.

Nice huh? Yea, at least I know our renter has a sense of humor..Ugh scared me to DEATH!

This was the second house that we put our heart and soul into trying to get. Answering questions, getting all the information faxed and signed.(I am sure it was just as bad as buying your own home) We prayed and prayed. We knew that Heavenly Father would put us in the right home at the right time.

I guess the funny "joke" was partly my fault because I kept bugging the Carolina the renters wife. She works in an office so I had her office e-mail. I emailed her twice yesterday. Hoping to get some brownie points I told her that we were so excited about the house and that Sherry loved the pictures e-mailed to her as well. I also told her that we would make it look like a model home (with Sherry's help) and that it would be well kept. I was hoping to hear some news soon. (hint, hint thrown in there) So, she e-mailed me back and said that she would talk to her husband and get the scoop from him. About a few hours later we got an e-mail from Albert and ta-da he said he got the fax from our apartments and all looked good. Everything was almost done..He just needed a few more questions answered. So Eric answered them and waited until his next reply. Time for work and no reply. So being the sneeky wife that I am. (I cannot trust myself when I am home alone with just Sunni..lol) I decided after picking up Sunni from school that one more e-mail to Alberts wife couldn't hurt. So I told her how thankful I was for her help, and that we did get a response from Albert and answered his last few questions. I also threw in one last (hint, hint please) I said " I guess I am just so anxious to know because we have had most of our stuff packed up for a Month" (okay I lied there. it's been packed since January but, I didn't want to seem too eager..lol) and I also told her that I was "just so anxious over the whole thing"..lol. Hint done and placed. She replied and said that when she spoke with the hubby he said "everything is going smoothly". So she had no doubts that we would be packing soon! And that she would pray for us! So I guess I deserved the little joke in the e-mail her hubby decided to play. (he knew I would read it..lol)

All the kids gave up something of theirs just so we could have the money to put down on the house. Michael and Joey gave up their game systems, Sunni gave up her DS and Poor Eric gave up his Xbox 360..lol. We will also be giving up our new TV and whatever else we can sell to have the money before the 1st! I know what your saying. He's just asking for first Months rent and then the rest before April is over right? (if you get something else from reading the letter please let me know because that's what Eric says and I am so confused. You can interpret the e-mail so many different ways. Prior to the deal we asked the renter if he would allow us to pay the deposit, pet fee and cleaning fee before the end of April. I see the e-mail as him saying he wants it all before the 1st of April. Ugh my brain always finds something to worry about) Well, this home is a lot more in rent then we pay for our apartment and we had to pay some bills so we are a couple hundred short. Now I know what your next question is. If you cannot afford the rent how do you expect to keep the home?

Well, in previous posts I discussed Eric's Mom moving in with us. It's all a go (she is very excited!) she will not be here until mid-April so we are on our own for the first month and deposits. Until she gets here. I truly cannot wait. This home is so big my stuff will make it still look empty. We have a 2-bedroom apartment right now so filling a 4bedroom with a formal living and dining room plus a family room and a game room/loft it's a lot of space. At least until Sherry gets here (Eric's Mom). She had a house in California that looked like a model home. After Roger her husband passed of cancer Sherry moved to Mesa to live with her daughter and got rid of a lot of her stuff. Then when she rented her own home in Mesa she built her supply up again. Now she is back with her daughter and will be holding a garage sale next weekend to get her packing started. We are hoping to get her here by Spring Break, if not then by mid-to-late April. She is all ready to go. Minus the packing. She already told her daughter Jessica that she needed a roomy lined up before she goes and so she just told us this morning that Jessica is all set too. So good news all around. She didn't want to leave Jessica without knowing she has a stable way to pay her rent as well. Which I totally understand.

Sherry was telling Eric the other day that she has helped almost all of her kids throughout their lives. She has 5 children and she has always considered me one too. I have known her since 2000 and at first I must admit, she intimidated me. Her home was so lovely and was so on point. She was always burning scent candles and her home would fill up with this beautiful earthy smell. She was always so presentable and never spotted without lipstick or makeup. I on the other hand have more then a handful of days that I just cannot put the makeup on. I embrace my freckles..lol. Covering them up to me would be a crime..lol Actually no, I just cannot see myself paying 9.00 for lipstick and so on. And to be honest I do love to use it sometimes. Special occasions and such.

Anywhoo.. Back to the subject at hand. Sherry told Eric that she feels like I need her. Me? Well, yeah I do. I lost my Mom just before I met Eric in 2000. I have a family and I am lost at times. Wishing my mother was here for advice or to direct me on how to run my house. I would really be open to it. So I suppose in some weird way I called on Eric's Mom. She heard me and now I get a Mother figure back in my life.

I know most women wouldn't want their Mother-in-laws to live with them but, I am so open to it because I know she was and still is a great Mom. She may push Eric to do the things I have been asking him to do for years. So I think it might be Eric that will have to "deal" with Mom living with him. Since he hasn't lived with her for over 15 years..Heehee it will be fun to see Eric actually do what I have been trying to get him to do for 9 years. Ta-boot Sherry is really awesome. She loves all the same things as me and we are HUGE art, crafters, thinkers. We should have a lot of good times together. Oh, and not to mention! Since Eric took the job at the School district his work schedule has been Monday-Friday 2pm(when he leaves because of how far it is) to 11pm (which he doesn't usually get home until 11:30pm or later if he is needed for overtime) I love that he has a great job BUT the hours bum me out. So it's wonderful to know that during the week I will not be alone with 5 year old Sunni watching Toddlers and Tiaras..lol. She loves that show. I can have an actual adult conversation!

Good things coming. I can feel it.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Shouldn't I be calm at this point?

Okay, Today's the day before my nerve burning in my lower back. I trust my Doctors. What happened last time was a fluke and only happens in 1 in 1,000. (Of course I would fall into that) I just want to avoid any problems at all. Tomorrow at 8:45am I will go in. Wait my usual waiting time. Get prepped

1. Pregnancy Test (can't go under if I'm pregnant)
2. Questions, asthma history last ,back story of the aspirated on the table in January, age, and if I think I am pregnant, date last period, blah blah.
3. blood pressure/ temp
4. I.V. (ouch)
5. Couple min. later I am lead down a hallway
-In the OP room I lay on this table that almost resembles a massage table with the head rest deal. I lay on my stomach, put my face in the head rest, they put an oxygen tube around my face and the little tiny tubes go up my nose a little. They start the oxygen tell me to breath deep to calm down. I am asked to life my shins to have a bolster set under, then the Anesthesiologist tells me I am going to a far away beach..Mmmhhm sure..1...2...3.... OUT
-Next thing I am aware of is that I will be (hopefully) without an asthma attack coming back from the sedation. Seeing Nurse Cool there (yup that's her REAL last name) I am asked if I want some water or a cookie. (she always has cookies..lol) I either nod my head yes or know and then she calls in Eric and the family. Waits a few more minutes and I wobble out to the car and crash on the bed once I get home.
SIDE-NOTE- This is what the "norm" is. Last time it was a LOT different since I aspirated I had to go to the Hospital, and also stay the weekend because my lungs filled with fluid. I was give tons and tons of Antibiotic to clear any and all infection from occurring in my lungs (because of foreign matter being swallowed and back into my lungs). I made it out Sunday afternoon but please. Don't make me go through this again. Eric said that when he gets home tonight we will do a prayer. I am at ease. Not sure how I will fee tomorrow. Wish me luck! It just sucks because it's usually done early Saturday morning so I just found out that it won't be the same anesthesiologist so I have to re-tell my story AND this one is tomorrow.. A Friday. Eric has to leave by 2:00pm for work so I am hoping that I will not be in the Hospital...again. Pray pray pray..

Monday, March 9, 2009

Things my big mouth brain keeps reminding me! #1

*Just a side note. I am going to try and make these "lists" either bi-weekly or once a Month. *Try to keep up on what I have done (that can be dropped from the "list") and update myself on what still needs to be worked on.
Not much to post. Just a lot of things swirling through my head.
Need to wear more flowy skirts
Brush Sunni's teeth better/ More often then just morning and night
Have more selections for Sunni's after school snacks
Keep my mouth closed about stupid things
Do all the laundry/ dishes first thing in the morning
Continue my journal writing
Keep painting
start reading more instead of getting hooked on these stupid reality shows
M-F look and Sunni's face and realize I am a good Mom
Stop letting my thoughts get the better of me from 10pm-3am
Learn from Eric and Grandpa "Don't worry about the small stuff"
Get over my shyness (yea, still a problem)
Go to Church more often. (Even when the family is all going in different directions on Sundays)
Keep Sunday as a day to spend with the family, reflect, and take in everything
Workout- Won't happen until we move but, still good to list
Church Clothes-this is a new must for Eric, Michael and Joey. (Sunni and I got this)
When the chance arrives- Take Sunni on a one on one outing
Have Sunni use her CTR color books more. (hope those weren't packed away)
Keep all hopes up and not deflated
Be more positive, and not think the worse
Teach the boys better "manners"
I think that's it for today. I may come back and add more tomorrow..lol I think this is a never ending list but, you know.

Friday, March 6, 2009

If your heart is in your dreams, no request is too extreme

I took this title from another blog I read. It really does mean a lot to that person and to me as well. I just figured it needed to be repeated. I dream for the day that we move into our new home, I dream for the day that Eric and I can make our forever vowels. I dream of the day that my ex seems just a little more nice to me. I also dream for the day that his wife has no naimosity towards me. (still cannot figure that one out) I love my family and I can only dream for the best. Prepare for the worst and pray for happiness.

btw. this picture was taken at the Shelby 400 Nascar Event last Sunday. Soooooo much fun!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Thank you Birthday Weekend!

Our Kids including their beautiful cousin Bailey at F.A.O. We had a crazy time trying on hats, playing with the toys, picking out what color "Munny"s they wanted. (Look it up Munny.com) This is them with the "GIANT" Legos. Princess Lego and Pirate one-eye Lego..lol

Ugly dolls. I made them pick out the ones that represented them..LMAO

Eric and his "Master" Cosmic bowling skills..lol I think he only got 6 pins down with his move. He likes to throw the ball with a spin better..lol