Wednesday, February 4, 2009

An anxious week..

Yup, it has been quite a roller coaster of a week.

So much to do. So much to wait for.. I have just been so anxious. Right now we are waiting to hear if we get to move into a new house. Normally I wouldn't be so stressed. But this is a perfect house. Playground across the street, school within walking distance, grass in the backyard (which I might add under "normal" circumstances this would be easy to find but we are talking about Las Vegas home of the desert landscape and dirt) So needless to say finding a home with grass in the backyard is a warm welcome. A church nearby. (which helps on busy Sundays).

Tomorrow we find out for sure if everything is in place. I would post pictures but, if it doesn't happen I would just be left with looking at pictures of a home I will not be owning. I have done so much debating over this home. (Mainly with myself) Eric spoke with the owner on Monday. He is in town only for a few days. (He is in the military) I believe Eric said that he had a ton of meetings from Monday to tomorrow. Tomorrow he will be at the house getting the carpets cleaned and the walls painted. He told Eric that he would like to meet with us tomorrow but, declined to state what time. He said once he got into town he would get his schedule and we could set up a time.

I get that he's busy BUT, does he understand how stressed I am.....

I mean sheeesh.. I have had hardly no sleep..Does he care? Most likely not. It's not his job.. So I deal on my own. I have been trying to keep so busy. Yesterday I cleaned up our bedroom and packed some things. I should be doing laundry right now to keep my mind off of the obvious but to be honest.. Does any wife WANT to do laundry? I don't mind the "DOING" of the laundry but it's the putting away that is hard for me to swallow..And when there are boxes everywhere and your home is like a maze it makes it more of a circus to find a way thru the maze just to hang up some shirts or dresses.

Last night to take my mind off of things I even dyed my hair back to it's natural color. Checked Eric's e-mail almost hourly for a response and finally fell asleep around 11pm. Eric came home around 12 and I woke up. We talked for a little bit and then we both went to bed after checking his e-mail one last time and looking thru some more homes that were listed.

I have come to this conclusion. I usually sit and wait in the car for Sunni from about 2:00 to 3:16 which is when the bell rings. It gives me quiet time to take a break and write in my journal. I have written since I was a teen. Off and on mind you but I do have a lot of written journal entries. The time I spend in the car waiting for school to end is my time. I even update the kids' baby books. I love that time. So, in my writings I have come to the conclusion that I cannot mull over something as much as I have with this house this week. It's not healthy. It's borderline disturbing for have become.....almost...obsessed! I will put it to a rest tonight. Tomorrow everything will have an answer and I will be fine either way. (although it would be a wonderful Birthday present!) I will put it all in the hands of someone more capable of processing this. Life will go on.. The search will go on.. More importantly my stress level will go down. Keep your fingers crossed!

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