Monday, March 30, 2009

Early Blog #3 No pain YEAH! well wait...

I woke up this morning not from back pain but, because of the tossing again. We packed until 11pm again last night because the kids have school today. Note to self: get through this week and then the kids have a week off to help moving! Really I cannot expect a 5, 9 and 10 year old to move much. But you know.

Weird thought of the moment. I am looking to my left and I see a ken doll laying on the arm of our couch. You say.."That's not weird".. But wait...He's wearing a baby doll huge (compared to him) diaper..A plastic flower teacup on his head and a tiny dress wrapped around and tied to his neck like a bib.. Oh Gotta love em'.. I remember asking my 9 year old son. (Yes, he is the one that asked for the ken doll so his little sister would quit asking him to play barbies and end up using one of his tech decks as the "Prince" I said to him last night as I was in their bedroom picking and packing.

Mom: "Why doesn't Ken have clothes on?
Joey: "I don't know where his pants are"
Mom: "Well, he doesn't have a T-shirt on either kiddo"
Joey: "I know where that is."
Mom:"Can you put something on him so I don't have to look at him like this"..
Joey: "Okay, I'll get his shirt"

Sunni comes out with the Ken in a diaper.

Sunni: (Laughing very hard) "Mommy look"
Mom: (giggling a little) "Is Ken a baby?"
Sunni: "Well, the diaper is a little big but I like it"

Sunni proceeds to put her play teacup on his head.

Sunni: "It's a hat".

Now I am looking at the ken doll. Laying here staring at me as if to say. "Please don't do this to me. I have a bad enough wrap as it is" I feel bad for the little Not really. It still makes me giggle to look at him. All I can think is...How would I explain this if someone came over and I didn't notice him on the edge of the I have no idea.. And I really do not recall Sunni putting that small doll dress or in this case Ken's bib on. I wonder if Daddy did Nah..I don't even think he would touch

The main theme.. Get Ken dressed..Well, they covered him alright.

Okay, so onto other things. Yesterday I was still fighting the nasty stomach flu. So Eric went alone to the walk-thru. Every thing seems in order. When Eric got back he told me that Albert and his wife bought us a basket full of goodies and a small Easter basket full of candy for the kids. How sweet! The big basket was filled with candles, incense, an incense holder, bright colored dish cloths, 4 hand soaps for each bathroom, soap, a sponge and Clorox wipes all for the kitchen. It was very sweet of them. Eric said that all was in order. I feel finally at ease.

Later on in the day after going to my Dads for some empty boxes we decided to take the kids to the house. The boys had only seen pictures because whenever we went it was during the week while they were in school. We have driven by the outside to show them but like myself I didn't want to get their hopes up just in case we didn't get the home.

As soon as we drove into the driveway I knew now that this was my home. At least for the next 2 years. Eric punched in the garage code and TA-DA. It opened and the kids ran for the door. I opened the door with the new key and made sure before I went in to point out that now the kids would be placing their shoes in the garage so the floor in the house doesn't get dirty. As soon as we walked in I took my shoes off. The kids did the same. We just placed them on the tile. I showed the kids around the house like I was a realtor. "And here we have Grandmas room, she has a walk in closet and her very own bathroom with a shower" I was and still am happy. Has anyone ever done this...After showing the kids upstairs and down I went into the family room and laid on the floor looking up at the ceiling.. Then Eric came and laid down next to me.. We just laid there and didn't say a word..Then Eric turned over on his side put his arm around me and said.."This is our home babe"..I couldn't help but be so proud that we have gotten over this hump. And so thankful.. To Heavenly Father, to Eric's mom Sherry, to my Father and Brother. Just the day or two before I was crying my eyes out because I couldn't understand why all my life I have had to work for what I wanted. Why I had to go through all the emotions to get to the end of something good..Why other people seem to have it so easy. Then I thought while laying there. Why am I so weird? Thinking these thoughts when I lay here. Just be happy your here. Be happy you don't have worse things to deal with. Be happy you have him. And by "him". I mean Heavenly Father and my wonderful Husband. I am so thankful. There is nothing more I can say. I turned to Eric and said "I love you." To which he replied the same.

So, where do we go from here? Well, I didn't care if I had to sleep on the floor with just a blanket I wanted to stay. But, I knew I couldn't. Not with my back. And the electric would be turned off then back on this Tuesday. We will not have a truck until this weekend so we will just have to wait. We really are not done packing either so... After the kids played a few games of hide and seek we had to leave. As soon as I walked in the door to this apartment I was bummed. But still happy we got the house. I just want to be there now! Yea, I feel weird about that but, maybe it will be more of a push for me to pack more each day this week.

Things I do not look forward to:
1. Packing the rest of our stuff
2. Moving the stuff
3. Unpacking the stuff
4. Having to drive Sunni allllllll the way back and fourth to School for the next 2 Months!
5. Getting the stains off the counters
And those are in order. After that it should be smooth sailing. But I feel strongly that Sunni should stay in her current school. She made some really good friends and I know she would be upset if we moved her out now. I did that with Michael and Joey and it worked but, I know they missed their Teachers too. I am trying to learn from my mistakes.
So, final thought..My heart goes out to all of the almost 300 people who were laid off from The Venetian and Palazzo. I worked at the Wynn and we knew Palazzo wasn't doing well and that was a while back. That was also the reason why Eric was happy to get the job with CCSD and out of the Casino industry. Even though they are doing MAJOR cut backs, his job is still a bit more stable. I hope this economy starts to pick up a bit before it gets really bad.

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