Disclaimer: Dvldoll was give a sample to facilitate her review.
The cute little Eco Friendly satchel #YochiYochi Shoes come in!
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"The Bug" sitting so girly in her Captain Zuga Shoes
The Bug was telling me all about her "squeakers" she had on.
The bug got her Captain Zuga Yochi-Yochi Shoes today! Just in time for Holiday on the go shopping. I was VERY impressed with these shoes. They range in size from kids size 4- size 10. The bug wears a size 9 and these were pretty true to size and had some room for her to grow! Bug is 3 years old and is pretty small for her size. As you may tell by the pictures!
Velcro is used to close, they are sturdy and I was afraid the squeaking would be low and not well built into the shoe. But, gladly I was surprised. They are durable for sure and for sure will squeak on and on.
You may ask why I didn't get "The Bug" Yochi-Youchi's Miss Mushi Shoes (She's a lady-bug). Well, I have an awesome reason. The bug has so many bug related items I wanted her to be different. And Captain Zuga was perfect for her wardrobe. Black and white is the ultimate complement to the bugs wardrobe. And I wanted to show that girls can always surprise you! She LOVES them.
Side View of the Captain Zuga Yochi-Yochi Shoes
I must admit. Usually as soon as we hit the store and the bug comes out of her car seat she then automatically goes into the nearest store cart. This is to avoid her running from me. (Bug is a fast runner as are all my four kiddos) Now these shoes are by no means a license to let your child run free in public just because you can hear their squeaking shoes. They are however wonderful if your child is walking with your spouse and you have lost them both by staring at the dolls for too long (shifty eyes)..lol. I love the idea that on a crowded playground I can keep an eye on the bug because she is the only one squeaking. So even if there is another child that is the same height and so on as the bug then I can feel safe I know mine is the one squeaking!
Also, since we live in a one story house with child locks and child gates everywhere it's nice to be cooking dinner in the kitchen and know EXACTLY where the bug is playing with Sunni without trying to hunt her down.
Another plus of Yochi-Yochi shoes are that they are the first I have seen in America like them. And at $29.95 compared to something you would have to pay a pretty penny to be shipped overseas. I think this is a boss deal. And to top it all off, I was given my shipping code on 11/26/2013 and I received them on 11/29/2013.
All in all I would give the Yochi Yochi shoes a Mommy Blog vote of 5/5
Prefect in every way!!
Yochi Yochi is proud to introduce the latest trend from Japan here on American soil.
Yochi Yochi shoes are made with a small squeaking diaphragm in the heel of each shoe which causes a small squeak when your child takes a step.
The noise is fun, but we think it goes beyond that.
With the squeaking sound of every step, you can find comfort in that fact that your stealthy child will have a hard time getting away from your side without you knowing.
In addition to safety, many doctors have suggested that when children can audibly recognize their footsteps, the sounds can reinforce the natural rhythm of walking and actually help train them to walk.
Yochi Yochi strive to create durable products at great prices because we know how fast your children grow up!
If your child is too young for shoes quite yet or has too many pairs check out Yochi-Yochi for their awesome socks too!!
The cute little Eco Friendly #YochiYochi
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