Sunday, June 8, 2014

KidCoder/ TeenCoder Review

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.
KidCoder/ TeenCoder Series
Hands-on introduction to web design
I know it is summer and all the kids are jumping fo joy. I wanted my sixteen year old to get a jump on a career based class for summer vacation. Luckily he agreed (ha,ha). Either way he isn't working or going to school and loves spending time on the computer so it's a win/win situation. Michael has had a great time woking though his TeenCode course. It has made him value the computer and the time he spends. It is working to a goal he would not otherwise be able to access since his High School does not have computer courses in Java or really any coding. In Nevada you would have to go to a speciality school in order to take these types of computer courses.


   KidCoder/ TeenCoder is a self-study computer science course. The award-winning KidCoder and TeenCoder will teach your 4th-12th grade student how to create their own websites, video games, and apps.  The self-study curriculum will introduce students to modern, industry-standard technologies like HTML, Java, C#, and Visual Basic.  Ideal for homeschool students seeking elective computer credit or any individual student who can't get material like this through their normal school system.

 Michael (my teen) has had a love for all things digital. Really since he was at least three. Playing computer games before he could count proved to me that doing this course would set him on the right path. He took the course and ran with it. To say he was enthralled with the course would be an understatment. Michael decided to choose the TeenCoder: Java Programming (9th-12th grades). The other course options are as follows:
- KidCoder: Beginning Web Design (4th-12th grades)
 - KidCoder: Windows Programming (6th-8th grades)
 - TeenCoder: Windows Programming (9th-12th grades)
 - TeenCoder: Java Programming (9th-12th grades)

For a description of the available courses, please see the Product Overview page here:
KidCoder™ and TeenCoder™ curriculum consists of two-semester sequences that teach students how to write their own computer programs, games, apps, or web pages. Each semester contains a Student Textbook and course setup program. The setup program installs student activity starters, a solution guide, fully coded activity solutions, tests and answer keys, and other supplemental documents on your computer.
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 Advantages to taking these courses

There are many ways to learn about computer programming. Your local bookstore is filled with programming books on arcane subjects. However, homeschooling families have unique needs:
  • Material must be geared for children, not professional adults
  • Many parents can't teach programming based on their own background
  • High school students want to build a compelling transcript for college, including electives that demonstrate widely recognized skills
 KidCoder and TeenCoder programming curriculum meets these needs with courses tailored for homeschool kids and the kid in all of us!

 Practical, Homeschooling Perspective

We are engineers by profession, so we focus on real-world, hands-on, make-it-work material that shows results to the student from the very beginning. We have been in the trenches with demanding clients who want smooth installation, quality documentation, and excellent technical support.

As homeschool parents we realize what you go through trying to select the right curriculum for your students. You want something they will enjoy and something that will teach them crucial skills for the digital age.
You also want something that won't complicate your own life, especially if you aren't a computer scientist yourself! We know you need a turnkey, self-study solution students can handle on their own.
This is the background and energy we bring to our products, and we believe you'll be thrilled with the results!
Homeschool Programming Inc Logo

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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